Mailbox Lock

Replacement Mailbox Locks

Mailbox Lock Changes in Arizona – What You Need to Know

Mailbox Lock Key, Do you want to change the locks on your mailbox? Or do you need a new set of mailbox keys? You don’t have to go to the post office for these services because a licensed Phoenix locksmith can take care of everything for you.
Professional locksmiths have all the tools and equipment they need to change mailbox locks, repair locks or set up an entirely new USPS-approved mailbox lock. They can also cut a new set of mailbox keys. The best Phoenix and Scottsdale locksmiths can get this type of job done quickly and also offer great rates.

Getting a New Mailbox Lock Key

Many people who lose their mailbox lock key think they need to go to the Post Office to get a new set of keys. The individual box locks and the keys associated with them are not actually owned by the Post Office. If you own a condo or live in an apartment, the condo owner or landlord is the rightful owner of the keys. This means it is either your responsibility or the landlord’s responsibility to have new keys made.

The easiest way to get a new mailbox key is to hire a locksmith who will replace your mailbox lock. This is a fairly simple process and typically only takes less than an hour. You can also work with your mail delivery service provider to retrieve the code number off the back of the lock on your mailbox. A professional locksmith can then cut a new set of keys using that code.

Mailbox Lock Replacement

About Post Office Mailboxes

The United States Postal Service states that all locks in the same bank of mailboxes – such as those you find in an apartment complex or condo units – have to be keyed differently. This means there is no master keyed USPS mailbox lock key out there. If you or your landlord owns the mailbox locks, it is your responsibility to have those locks rekeyed, replaced, or have a new set of mailbox keys cut.

Call Power Locksmith when you need mailbox lock key changes or want to install new locks around your home! We offer a full range of professional Scottsdale locksmith services and can take care of any mailbox lock repairs, installations, and modifications.

Call Now: (602) 386-3770 For Mailbox Lock Replacement Service